četrtek, 9. maj 2019

Prijateljstvo - Friendship

Še ena voščilnica je nastala na temo prijateljstva. Uporabila sem štampiljke od MFT Fox & Friend, ter napis Sassy Pants Best Friends.

I made another friendship card. The stamps are from MFT Fox & Friend set, and Sassy Pants Best Friend set. 

nedelja, 5. maj 2019

Levji mladič - Lion cub

Za Cupcake inspiration izziv sem naredila okroglo voščilnico. Uporabila sem štampiljke Cute cubs od Clearly besotted. In ja vem, levček ni v pravih barvah. Si moram dokupiti nekaj copic markerjev. Imaš kakšen predlog katere markerje naj vzamem za barvanje levov?

I made a shape card for Cupcake inspiration challenge. I used Cute cubs from Clearly besotted. I know, the lion is not in the right colors. I need to buy some copic makers for coloring lions. Do you have any suggestions what colors should I get.

Copic markers I used:
lion: E11, E13, E15, RV00, RV00, W5, W2, W01, E00,
kite: B000, B00, B02, Y08, Y11, YG17, YG03, YG00, R35, R22, RV00

Cupcake inspiration - #469 Shaped cards
Pixie's snippets playground - Week #351
Simon says Wednesday - Happy birthday 
Word art Wednesday - Anything goes #384-385

četrtek, 2. maj 2019

Rumene rože - Yellow flowers

Pri izzivu Less is more želijo videti enoslojno čestitko z brstovi ali cvetnimi listi. Uporabila sem štampiljke Painted Flowers od Altenew in jih večslojno odtisnila.

I'm playing in the Less is more one layer Buds or Petals challenge today. I used Painted Flowers from Altenew.