četrtek, 26. december 2019

Božič - Christmas

Danes vam lahko pokažem moje letošnje božične čestitke. Nastala jih je cela serija, vendar sem uspela slikati samo eno. Mesec december nam res ni bil naklonjen kar se zdravja tiče. Najprej je sin zbolel za pljučnico, nato še jaz. Tako, da sem zadnji vikend pred božičem komaj uspela naredti vse voščilnice.

Today I have a Christmas card for you. The whole series was created, but I only managed to photo one. December really did not favour us as far as healt is concerned. First my son got pneumonia, than me. So the last weekend before Christmas I barely made all the cards.

Cupcake inspiration - #485 Holidays
Pixie's Snippets Playground - Challenge 368