torek, 28. junij 2016


Na mizo sem si postavila vse Cottage cutz šablone, ki jih premorem in si belila glavo kaj ustvariti. Še mojega sem vprašala, če ima kakšno idejo. Na koncu sem se odločila za palme in peščeni grad, vendar pa je bil grad nekoliko prevelik in ga je zamenjal levček. Sprva oblaki niso bili mišljeni, a glej ga vraga, se mi je pojavila rjava packa od senčenja in jo je bilo treba nekako prekriti...

11 komentarjev:

  1. Hi Nina! Wow, what a fun card - wonderful dies you used there to create such a great scene too!

    Is this your first time in the Snippets Playground? If so, I should mention that if you want to be in the prizw draw then I do ask you to say so in a comment please. This is because once or twice in the past people have won only to say they didn't really want to prize after all. Do let me know as I also do a little welcome for new playmates in my weekly round up of entries from the previous week :)


    Di xx

  2. this is just the cutest little jungle scene-love that sweet lion-thanks for playing along with the CottageCutz Pocket challenge

  3. Prav fajn si jih skombinirala in nastala je prava tropska voščilnica z žepkom. Všeč mi je in hvala, da si se pridružila.

  4. Zelo mi je všeč tale scena na voščilnici.

  5. Awesome card! I really love the scene you made, it is so much fun! Thank you so much for playing the Lawnscaping Challenge!

  6. This is just too cute! I love the jungle scene and how you added the Distress Inks! Thank you for playing along with us at Lawnscaping Challenges!

  7. Kako ljubko je tole izpadlo! Zelo mi je všeč!

  8. Zelo luštno in lepo si jo sestavila. Lp

  9. Aww, so so cute! I really like how you used distress inks to color the trees and clouds! Thanks for playing along with us at Lawnscaping!! :)

  10. I could not find translator but wanted to say I love your card. Love how all the pieces work together so well. Great job.


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