Danes se je začel The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge (cilj izziva je, da si vsak dan vzameš malo časa in nekaj pobarvaš). Ker je minilo že več, kot eno leto odkar sem nazadnje sodelovala, sem se odločila, da se tokrat pridružim izzivu. Če te zanima kaj bom barvala skoči na moj instagram profil @ninas_creates
Za dan 1 sem pobarvala zmajčka od Clearly besotted. Čestitka pa je za malega Rudija, ki ga pričakujemo v naslednjih dneh.
Today is day one of The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge (the goal of the challenge is to carve out a little “me” time and to color something daily even if it’s just a few minutes). It's been more than a year since I participate, so I decieded to join the fun this time. If you want to see my coloring jump over to my instagram account @ninas_creates
So for day 1 I colored this cute dragon form Clearly besotted. The card I made is for a little boy Rudi who will be born in the next few days.