Moje božično drevsece je letos malo drugačno. Uporabila sem štampiljko Oh Puppy tree od Mama elephant, ter jo pobarva s copic markerji. Prvotni plan je bil, da bodo te kužki na letošnjih božičnih voščilnicah. Ko sem ene pobarvala, sem ugotovila, da mi to vzame čisto preveč časa, saj moram narediti cca 50 voščilnic. Tako da še iščem nov design.
My Christmas tree is a bit different this year. I used Oh Puppy tree from Mama elephant and colored with copic markers. The original plan was to have these puppies on this year's Christmas cards. When I colored one, I found that it takes me too much time, since I have to make about 50 cards. So I'm still looking for a Christmas design.
(I like to emboss snowflakes and just splash white acrylic paint,
because is fast and simple to do it)