petek, 30. oktober 2020

Veverički - Squirrels

Eden izmed izzivov, ki sem si jih za letos zadala, je tudi risanje scen s copic markerji.  Sandy Allnock ima super tečaje za začetnike in naprednejše uporabnike. Vzela sem tečaj jesenskih scen in nastala je spodnja čestitka.

One of the challenges I've set for myself this year drawing scenes with Copic markers. Sandy Allnock has great courses for beginners and more advanced users. I took Autumn scene class and here's my card.

nedelja, 25. oktober 2020

Božični kuža - Christmas dog

Malo sem zapustila ta moj blog, sem bolj aktivna na Instagramu. Danes pa sem si le vzela čas, da spišem objavo. 

Ste že začeli z božičnimi čestitkami? Jaz sem letos kar pridna in jih imam že lep kupček narejenih. Spodnja čestitka je nastala po MFT skici in MFT barvni lestvici. Uporabila sem set štampiljk Happy pawlidays od MFT. Ozadje sem narisala s copic markerji na koncu pa odtisnila napis od Najlepšega para, Voščila za vse priložnosti.

I haven't post here in a while, I am more active on Instagram. But today I took some time to write  this post.

Have you already started making Christmas cards? I'm quite diligent this year and I already made some. This card was inspired by MFT sketch and color challenge. I used Happy pawlidays stamp set from MFT, draw the backgroud with copic markers and stamped the sentiment from Najlepši par, Greeting for all occasions.

Copic markers I used:
dog: W0, W1, W3, W5, R35, R37, R39
Christmas ornaments: R32, R35, R37, R39, YG00, YG03, YG17, YG67
present: R37, R39, YG17, YG03, Y00
tree: YG03, YG67, G29
background: E50, E31

Najlepši par -  oktober
MFT color challenge #151
MFT sketch challenge #512
Simon says Wednesday - Layer it up
Word art Wednesday - Anything goes 462-263